I couldn’t buy everything. Damn.
I tried to describe what I wanted in a brush – as if I knew – to the helpful lady in Man Luen Choon. I said, “Bouncy.” And “I’m just starting.” She said, “Wolf.” So I got wolf. In small, medium and large. I also decided to get an auspicious dragon wolf (because it was auspicious) and a large mixed-hair brush whose other end was pointed bamboo, to mark outlines on paper before painting.
Here’s the pointy end. It even has a breathing hole! I don’t know why.
This is a suspension of some sort. It makes special effects when mixed with sumi ink.
It can be applied directly onto paper, or mixed with ink before application.
I also bought a notebook.
It has rectangles inside. I assume they’re for quatrains. 😉 I can’t use them properly, so I intend to play with them in my own way.
These are very thin, delicate sheets.
When held up to the light, it is clearly watermarked.
I tried to use the watermark as a guide, but I need x-ray vision to make it work.
So far, the bigger brushes seem to make the finer lines. Go figure.
I’m not good at this! Gah. The chop is a gift from my friend and ex-accomplice in advertising, Trisha.
I pretended to make a dragon. Here’s a much better one (video).
There’s so much to learn. Dear universe, please lighten my hand, steady my shoulder, and unfog my glasses.