It almost didn’t, actually, because it had been mailed to my old office address. Luckily my secretary is persistent, and she intercepted it at the EMS office on the day it came in.
The nib is a Nathan Tardiff (he of Noodler’s fame) special, retipped with what seems to be a fistful of iridium. The nib rests in an orange Parker Duofold body with a repaired cap lip, a tiny flaw that allowed me to buy the pen for less than it would have cost pristine.

The nib is equal parts iridium and whoa.

It looks even wonkier from the back.

It’s not a firehose. In fact, it’s a dry writer, and often a hard starter. When it does get into gear, though, it’s amazing.

The ink is Styl’ Honoré Cocktail in Poudre d’Iris.

Two Duofolds, both button fillers. I just thought they made a handsome pair.