Fountain pen ink exhibits all sorts of weirdness when worked wet-in-wet, the waterproof and bulletproof kind even more so. Thus began a quick Sunday adventure with a watercolor brush, a tray of inks and watercolor paper.

The ink that spreads green is Waterman Blue-Black (for those of you who swear it’s not blue-black but green, you can click and save as proof), the blue is possibly Florida Blue, the brown is Caran d’Ache Grand Canyon. This was the first of the series. You can see how I’m learning where to apply more pressure to the brush on a sideways stroke.

I used a brush to wet the paper and tint it very lightly (and haphazardly). Then I used a dip pen with Noodler’s Samsui Red. The feather on the lower right is the result of feathering. (Doesn’t that make your mind feel all wiggly?) The purple is Caran d’Ache Storm. It spreads, but not too far. The result is high-contrast gradation within an outline, with me nudging the color inwards.

This is Private Reserve Ebony Purple and Pilot asa-gao. Ebony Purple settles into paper quickly. It takes a lot of nudging with the brush to make it spread if it has already dried a few minutes. The result is a faint wash.

Noodler’s Zhivago, as we all know, is really a closet Army Green. It complements Private Reserve Ebony Purple well, although moodily as is its wont.