I am not a handygirl, but I can resac a simple lever-filling pen, assuming there is nothing wrong with the lever. This gives me a wonderful feeling of empowerment akin to being taught how to fish, no matter that I don’t think I’ll ever like fishing or wading into water in wellies.
The pen I chose to resac was the Swan self-filling pen that I put up for sale several months ago. It never did sell, and stayed in my cabinet all that time; so this morning, it was a good candidate. I twisted the section out of the barrel and was faced with the removal of sticky, icky melted rubber sac remnants. It was not a job for the fainthearted or those of nanosecond attention spans.
Still, I accomplished the resaccing with the aid of a Tweezerman pair of tweezers (the best in the business for eyebrows, who knew they would be good for sac removal?) and a bent crochet hook. And the Swan writes again.