
I don’t know what possessed me to want to swap the nibs on my two Sailor 1911s. The black had the Cross Music Emperor nib, and the demo had the music nib. For some reason I wanted the demo to have the Cross Music Emperor.

It’s at times of unreasonable whimsy like these that I am grateful for (insert angelic choir here) my boyfriend, who painstakingly dismantled and cleaned the Sailor demonstrator, and reassembled it with the nib and overfeed from the black Sailor. The overfeed needed to be inserted at the same time as the nib, and aligned properly.

Sailor nib swap
Sailor nib swap

The music nib went into the black Sailor without a hitch. Both wrote well immediately after inking.

Post-nib swap writing samples
Post-nib swap writing samples

You can hire his services, but you have to ask me first. 🙂