This was a Green Board find, and it arrived in the mail just before the system shut down for the holidays. The previous owner took care of the pen, and the clip and trim have acquired a mellow, patinated character.
The Iris was Stipula’s first foray into retractable nibs. Its body is gently curvaceous, and the flaring cap makes me think of Art Deco columns. They call the celluloid “hazelnut.” I think they could have also called it espresso latte. It is marbled black, mocha, chocolate and yes, hazelnut. (This is the pen you can drink!)
The cap twists off, and applied to the other end of the pen, becomes the grip of the twist mechanism that exposes and retracts the nib.
The nib needs simple tuning for the pen to become a wonderful writer. Right now it displays a slight hesitation on fresh downstrokes, skipping where it should be laying down ink. I believe the tines are minutely misaligned, but I need a loupe to be sure; and the loupe lies buried in the office underneath all the clutter they removed from my desk prior to our move to the 27th floor.