Ninong Joel spent a good part of his Sunday afternoon with Luc. He came bearing gifts: a bottle warmer for the car, and a box of sinful mini-donuts. (As they were quite small, it is safe to assume the sins were merely venial.)Luc spends almost all his time with women, and was quite interested in Joel’s facial hair. He frowned for the first few minutes, decided that facial hair was safe, and gave Joel his trademark toothless grin.The two guys paraded around the living room for a good twenty minutes.Just like his godfather, Luc is quite the camera-ready guy.
Joel had to keep giving Luc instructions on how to pose. After all, the wee one is not quite in total control of his neck muscles. As a last resort, Joel propped Luc’s head up with his face.
Bottle warmer and Luc and Ninong Joel and I will all pile into the car and head off to a sunny beach, where Luc can eat sand and pit his drool-producing powers against the waves of the South China Sea. I’m taking bets.