One day there will be no deadlines except sunset and sunrise. There will be stretches of weeks when we throw nothing away, and find that unremarkable. We will be sufficient unto ourselves. We will find a way to have our technology and our humanity, too.
We will know our purpose so well we won’t need it on a t-shirt.
Friendships will form, dissolve and reform as we need them, without debt or promise.
Conversations will be quiet outside and loud inside.
Details will always hold surprises.
There will be enough food, blankets, crayons, and tea. There will be too much smiling.
Solitude will be as welcome as companionship.
Every time it rains, music will rise from the soil.
Until then, we will wait with our pens.
(Nakaya Dorsal Fin version 2 in matte hairline finish, music nib ground to a cursive italic.)