1. Flats that stay on. Because no matter what Wonder Woman says, you can’t reach your maximum speed in heels.

2. Gray hoodie. For blending into street corners.
3. Gray shirt. See no. 2.
4. A pair of stretch jeans with pockets. Supports ease of movement, and kicking when necessary.
5. Black backpack worn in front. Because if you can’t see it, chances are it’s gone. Plus points for water-resistant material.
6. Hair stick. Keeps your hair in a bun, not in an easy-to-grab ponytail. Also, if it’s pointy, it will come in handy.
7. Pocket knife. Should fit comfortably in pocket of no. 4.
8. Hot dress. Can be worn under gray shirt and revealed once the immediate environs have been ascertained generally favorable for hotness. Can also be stuffed into backpack once hotness has served its purpose.
9. Pen, preferably with a metal body. Whether you’re into stainless steel Sharpies or Nakaya Piccolos in Titanium, you can’t go wrong with a pen that a) writes well and b) can be pressed into service as a kubotan.
(A sense of humor is recommended when reading this post.)