Matte and black, two of my favorite things, come together in Sailor’s Professional Gear special edition in Imperial Black.

The familiar Sailor clip looks a touch more sinister.

Shiny dark against matte dark is a subtle, sexy contrast. Like shiny Lycra leggings worn with beaten-up combat boots.

The 21k nib is plated to appear black, too.

I hadn’t realized how many matte black pointy things I had until now. The Stealth VP is somewhere living up to its name, so I couldn’t find it for the family picture.

The pen comes with an F, M or B nib. I took the M that was available at Aesthetic Bay. I had expected it to be a nail, like most Sailor nibs, but was surprised into liking it because it had a springy quality, and even a hint of flexibility. Not “Luke, I am your father” levels, but close.
You are allowed to get this pen if you:
1) like black.
2) are sneaky.
3) secretly admire Emperor Palpatine.
4) like appending “of doom” to random nouns, e.g. “the toilet of doom,” “the clouds of doom,” “the traffic enforcer of doom,” and so on.