There are notebooks, and then there are Japanese notebooks. Who else thinks of making notebooks with diagonal lines?
This is the slim version of the Midori MD notebook.

The stitching on the spine tells you what kind of paper is inside. Red means blank.

India ink on this paper looks rich and velvety.

Life is a popular notebook brand in Japan, with many sub-brands. The Schöpfer notebook has 40 leaves of the smoothest paper imaginable.

Scribble and scrawl and spatter.

There’s more of the same beautiful paper in Life Noble Note.

Each notebook is made of four signatures, bound together.

The paper accepts watercolor, graphite, ink and tea without complaint.

Doodling in this notebook can be addicting. I’ve gone through almost 50 leaves in a week.

I wish there were more Japanese notebooks available in Manila. In the meantime, I ogle them on Maido, Jetpens, Bundoki, and Rakuten.