And the AdFest 2008 winners are…

going to be announced Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.

Tomorrow evening, we’ll know the winners for Young Lotus, Film Craft, New Directors, and The Cup 2007. I look forward to the 11:00 am session, “A Practical Guide to Planet Japan: An Encyclopedia of Japanese Women.” Brian was kind enough to give me an extra freebie notebook for the session, made to look like an mini-encyclopedia but with blank sheets inside.

Friday is the announcement of winners for Radio, Direct, Print Craft, Design, Press and Poster. Saturday is Outdoor, Cyber, TV, 360 and Innova. And Sunday, I fly home at last.

Interesting topics of conversation tonight at the welcome cocktails were: the ongoing technical difficulties at the TV judging; did I go shopping today (asked by 5 people!); so how’s the food; and the cultural nuances of posters.