The president has just declared a state of national
emergency, which is only one step down from martial law. The activists with
yellow and red flags are gathering in the streets, every plant in the business
district has been stomped on and parties with previously widely-differing
political positions are now locking arms. Confetti is raining from office
buildings. I am torn between oh-no-not-again and maybe-fourth-time’s-the-charm.
emergency, which is only one step down from martial law. The activists with
yellow and red flags are gathering in the streets, every plant in the business
district has been stomped on and parties with previously widely-differing
political positions are now locking arms. Confetti is raining from office
buildings. I am torn between oh-no-not-again and maybe-fourth-time’s-the-charm.
It is the 20th anniversary of People
Power, the peaceful revolution that unseated a government that had ruled with
tyrannical mania for two decades. It is a great excuse for anyone with an
agenda. Yellow ribbons and yellow shirts are out in
Jejomar Binay is in a sunshine
shirt. Rallyists are advancing and the police seem to be giving way.
My mom says, “Channel 7 seems to be
afraid. Channel 2 is covering
This morning, because of a
new business presentation, we just happened to be in yellow t-shirts, all eight
of us. The people we passed all thought we were on our way to the rally. But
hey, someone’s got to keep the economy running during the
This time, what will the
tipping point be?