No wonder the score is now 67-33% in favor of
extra-large. Apparently, when you text “extra-large” instead of “extra-sexy,”
you get a message back saying “So you think only thin women can be beautiful.” I
texted in “extra-sexy” and didn’t get a response. I wouldn’t be surprised if
people texted in “extra-large” just to see if they would get a message back, and
then show it to their friends, and have a bit of a laugh. People are like
extra-large. Apparently, when you text “extra-large” instead of “extra-sexy,”
you get a message back saying “So you think only thin women can be beautiful.” I
texted in “extra-sexy” and didn’t get a response. I wouldn’t be surprised if
people texted in “extra-large” just to see if they would get a message back, and
then show it to their friends, and have a bit of a laugh. People are like