Lunchtime Lutens.

This is a good time to try Serge Lutens, if you’re
interested. Several fragrances from his export line are 15% off at Rustan’s. (I
went to the Shangri-la branch.) I believe Douce Amere and Arabie are on the
discount list. So was Vetiver Oriental, but the counterperson told me that was
new and they didn’t have a bottle available. The same person informed me that
Santal Blanc, Clair de Musc and Fleurs d’Oranger are the bestsellers from the
line. I bought Un Bois Vanille, bringing my Lutens collection to three. (Kayen
thinks of me whenever she bakes anything with vanilla extract in it.) I went to
join the other guys at CPK, where they proceeded to rib me about my Imeldific
perfume collection. (The infidels!)

also tested Annick Goutal’s Sables, and revisited L’Artisan Parfumeur’s Dzing!
(yes, that comes with the exclamation point). Dzing! never fails to make me
smile. Other people smell burnt rubber in it. I get brand-new cardboard dusted
with sugar in a leather bag.

people get lipo over lunch break. I just amuse my nose.)