If it’s not pens, it’s pencils.

What can I say? I’m a sucker for packaging.

And bananas. Who couldn’t live without a towel and bananas?

Inside the tube is a pencil sleeve, a mechanical pencil, eraser refills and lead refills. The lead is 1.15 mm, which makes Retro 51 the only manufacturer I know of to have lead that fits vintage pencils.

The pencil is wrapped in cork. It looks warm, natural and friendly. The metal trim, in contrast, is sharp and sleek.

This is a pencil for the sturdy of wrist, because it is heavy. I suggest bringing it to meetings where you need to impose your iron will on people. Or use it to attack a particularly devious puzzle.

If you think 0.7 mm is wimpy and 3.15 mm is overkill, 1.15 mm could be the pencil width equivalent of baby bear porridge.